Website-Based Village Digitalization Assistance As Information And Promotion Media In Kayubulan Village, Gorontalo Province
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One of the functions of a village website is as an effective promotional tool to introduce the village's local potential to the wider community. Tourism potential, MSME products and local cultural riches can be promoted through interesting and informative content on the website. Websites allow villages to market their uniqueness, both to city residents and the international community. In villages, especially in Kayubulan village, Gorontalo Province, they do not yet have a village website. For this reason, we carry out community service activities in order to realize website-based village digitalization in Kayubulan village, Batudaa Pantai District, Gorontalo Regency as an information and promotional medium. This activity was carried out on Saturday 14 September 2024 at the Kayubulan village office hall, Batudaa Pantai District, Gorontalo Regency. The method of this service activity is demonstration and launching. Demonstrations are carried out for website development training. Websites are created by purchasing a domain and hosting at rumahweb with a term of 1 year. After the website was ready to be used, material was provided regarding how to develop a village website as a medium for information and promotion and the final session was to launch the website. Participants who attended the activity were village government officials and local communities. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely the preparation stage, implementation stage and reflection stage. The activity ran smoothly and the activity participants were very enthusiastic during the activity process. This service activity provides insight for participants regarding the development and use of websites as information and promotional media. A website can be developed and utilized as well as possible by the Kayubulan village government as a medium for information and promotion as well as services to the community.
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