Pelatihan Pembuatan Instrumen Penilaian Berbasis Media Nearpod

  • Pathuddin Universitas Tadulako (ID)
  • Rahma Nasir Universitas Tadulako (ID)
  • Alfisyahra Universitas Tadulako (ID)
  • Mubarik Universitas Tadulako (ID)
  • Fajriani Universitas Tadulako (ID)
Keywords: workshop, nearpod, improving teacher’s understanding

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The  purpose  of  this  community  service  is  to  help  teachers  understand  the  benefits  and  ways  of  using media to make it easier to evaluate digitally. By using nearpod, teachers can also help students to learn independently  from  their  respective  students'  homes.  The  problems  faced  by  teachers  are  (1)  the assessment is done manually and takes up a lot of the teacher's time; (2) The lack of teacher knowledge of  technology-based  evaluation  media  makes  teachers'  productivity  low  in  developing  teaching materials and multimedia-based evaluation tools. The method of implementation of activities is carried out  in  the  form  of  lectures,  demonstrations,  discussions,  and  questions  and  answers.  The  service  was attended  by  teachers  at  SMP  Negeri  2  Banawa  Selatan,  Donggala  Regency,  Central  Sulawesi.  The result  of  community  service  is  that  teachers  can  design  learning  and  evaluate  using  nearpod.  The response of the participants to the implementation of the activity was very good, participants hoped that this kind of activity could be re-organized for the future.


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How to Cite
Pathuddin, P., Nasir, R., Alfisyahra, A., Mubarik, M., & Fajriani, F. (2023). Pelatihan Pembuatan Instrumen Penilaian Berbasis Media Nearpod. Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(4), 142-146.